You don’t stay the same forever!!
You will change sometime whether you like it or not!
You wont stay a baby forever…
You wont stay at school forever…
You wont be the same size forever…
You will change whether you like it or not!!
You wont sound the same forever…
You wont feel the same forever…
You wont be the same age forever…
You will change whether you like it or not!!
You will learn new skills…
You will learn how to walk…
You will learn how to talk…
This is because you will change!!
I have a younger brother called M…
His life hasn’t changed so much as mine…
12th May: He was born..
By the age of one he could crawl…
Two: walk and say some words…
Three: feel the difference between different thing, eat by his self…
Four: Started and learnt how to count and write some word…
Five: Started Primary one… New skills, maths, reading…
Six: Primary two… new levels of reading…
Seven: Primary 3... Has learnt lots of new skillls
Eight: Primary 4... Even more skills and things learnt
Nine: Primary 5... Can start to write reasonable length of stories
Ten: Primary 6... Learning to speak French…
His life has changed a great deal since he was born…
His life will change even more in the years to come…
His life will change whether he likes it or not…
As all over the world, every minute of the day peoples lifes change whether they like it or not… For the better and the worse…
But people have no choice in what there life has got to come next…
They have some control over there life for e.g. jobs, money etc…
But this may not always be the case…
But remember round the corner your life will change!!!!