How is it always??
Your on holiday.. You go back to school and then you just get back into the hang of things and your on blooming holiday again…
I really don’t get all the holidays… They make a fuss when not enough people pass…..
Urghhhhhh then why the hell do they schedule so many holidays…
School kids just get into the hang of the holidays then then you have to go back to school… First week back teachers are really annoyed and look as though they need a little time to chill.. Then they fly of the handle at the pupils its not the pupils fault… they don’t schedule all the holidays … Then the pupils get stressed because the teachers are stressed… it’s the fact that they just get settled down into the holidays as well and then bang its time to go back to work… Two, four, six eight… However much weeks there are… Its just beyond a joke!!!

It would make life so much easier if there weren’t so much holidays… Holidays are good but you don’t need them all the bloody time…
I know im still at school but I actually would like to learn something and that’s not how to spend a holiday when were off school……..
Don’t get me wrong I do like a holiday but its getting to the point that there are too much of them taking place….
Lets face it if its not a holiday it’s a blooming in service and if its not that the staff decide to go on strike and then winters here SNOW!!!!
Oh no the school is shut yet again…
All this holidays are taking up the time that the pupils need to be in front of a teacher and learn something……
Wow! That's the first time ever I've heard anyone say that!
(Meeester is having a geat time off...ooops)
But as someone who works from home, I'm a little ready for everyone to go back.
i genuinely think there are too much holidays lol
is this bad for a 17 year old to think haha
Hope meester is behavin hiself lol
are you insane? You wanna try school holidays as a parent before you ask for less!
i have a little brother that drives me up the wall...
im sure if they made less holidays i would regret that aswell
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