Its that time of year again!!
Christmas in 12 weeks!!
Some people might be getting excited but then again some people may not… it’s the time of year when you find your purse empty… it’s also the time that is meant to bring families together… Its meant to be a happy time in your life…. Exchanging gifts round the coal fire…. Exchanging jokes round the table at dinner time… And exchanging the sentence I’m stuffed…. I wish I never ate all that now… But just remember the turkey might have been saying that aswell but it had no choice of getting stuffed….
Presents always play a big part at this time of year…. So much things to buy for so much people but your not sure what to get them… Will someone else get them the same? Will they like it? What if they hate it? Everyone must ask a question like that at some point when they are shopping….
Christmas Dinner also a big part of Christmas… It takes forever to cook…. But its all finished within a short while… Then takes forever to get over as you normally end up eating too much… Then feeling sorry for yourself later on… STARTER: BROTH…. MAIN: TURKEY, ROAST TATTIES AND TRIMMINGS…. PUDDING: TRIFLE AND CREAM….. So nice but yet so filling.
Decorations are always a good part of Christmas as this is a task for the family.. Everyone can help in this process of Christmas… Its fun and can sometimes be a pain getting them all up the way you want them to be….
LOVE this has to be the best of Christmas as everyone shares the love…..
This year I have the excitement of a wedding as well on the 27th December as my lovely big bro is getting wed… Imagine that two nights of getting drunk so close to each then a week later more drink for new year… This should be a Christmas to remember…
Bring on the Christmas spirit!! :)
I used to love Christmas...but I find it a hassle now...which makes me feel sad.
missy m: urgh my dad hates it every blooming year without fail hes in a sulk and wont eat hos xmas lunch....scrooge thts wat i call him lol... lets hope this year should be good with the wedding and all lol
Oh, I'll EAT my lunch. Make no mistake- Xmas lunch rocks.
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