Wednesday, 1 October 2008


How do u tell your granny you have 5 tattoos??
Could they be a secret forever?

It all started when I got my first tattoo done…Treble clef on wrist… She was not a happy bunny…”If you were meant to have tattoos you would be born with them…” That’s what lurks at the back of my head every visit I make to her house… So all is well there she knows I have one tattoo…. Theres a start…

First Tattoo.... :)
2nd tattoo….Start on inner arm…. She couldn’t help but see it either as it is on my arm…. “I thought I telt you nae ti get onymare oh that bloody things..” so I reply “Sorry granny I won’t get anymore done that’s me finished…Right she knows I have two tattoos were getting somewhere….

Second Tattoo..... :)

3rd tattoo….. Music on back of neck…. I went nearly 3 weeks with it and she had never noticed it….. “Yes I thought im going to get away with it… I spoke to fast on this…. Mum decided that one night we was up visiting she would pull my top down at the back…. “Fit the hells that, see if its another one of them blooming things” I replied “ No its nae its just a henna thing that stays for a year then comes off” Well as that goes my year is nearly up… oooooooooops..

Third Tattoo..... :)

4th tattoo…. Hindi writing on my side…… Still hasn’t seen it and im hoping it stays that way for a while…. Ill tell her its henna :S

Forth Tattoo.... :)

5th tattoo…. Star on foot….. Same here she has not a clue yet… But she will no doubt see it as I wear pumps and sandals a lot…. But do you think I could pass it ff as a henna aswell.????(i will get a photo of it but not taken one yet)


Misssy M said...

Hey you got the star- is it as good as that one that woman did on you in India?!

Your face...I can still see it now...

suzzieeeee :) said...

tht was ooo not funny haha
emmm yes its alot better :)
hows the videi going??
wat do u think or my blogs
ill need to take juniour missy out some day if she wants :)

Utter Basketcase said...

Heeeey where you been?

Very cool tats! You obviously love your music! SAME HERE!!!! :-D

Poor Grams tho! LOL... they can be funny those ol' fuddy duddys!! xx

suzzieeeee :) said...

GIGGLE: hey iv just been realy busy....
i dnt hav a pic of my one on my foot yet it has to be the best....
how are you
i will get back into the blogging soon tho....
am i getting better lol

billythekid said...

I've only got the one tat and my Gran still doesn't know about it, and I'm like, aged to have one!

I am sure it's not the last though.


suzzieeeee :) said...

BTK: oh cool
so im not the only one whoe keeps secrets from my gran lol
she would actually go mental at me lol

suzzieeeee :) said...

BTK: a bit of a cowboy i see :)
by ur tattoo

billythekid said...

Hehe, wannabe cowboy really. I have the boots, hats and guns, can't ride a horse.. meh, little steps billy, little steps... ;oP

I'm also a plumber and the whole 'cowboy plumbers' thing appealed to me too. I should start a company called 'Cowboy Plumbing' where all employees wear stetsons and greet customers with a "Howdy Ma'am"

*drifts off into dream land - where madness lies*

suzzieeeee :) said...

BTK: lol cowboy plumbers and how much custom are you really expectin to get with a name like that lol
unless you had a few tidy good lookin cowboys who was wanting to do a lil work for a cowgirl lol


billythekid said...

ALL cowboys are tidy *gestures at himself*

(...with the exception of the ones from brokeback mountain of which we do not speak - traitors!)

..getting back on subject(sorry for the hijack, how rude!) I think my next tat will be a cowgirl. I'm thinking an old-school pinup type


more likely something like this silhouette

suzzieeeee :) said...


lol its ok.... a nice littlecowgirl (cough cough lol )

Yh u r ryt brokeback mountain sucks lol

OOOh i need to get a new tattoo done again lol

ill soon be the tattoed lady lol
